In a word, yes. Yes He Is.
Despite the fact that his name makes him sound like a Sales Rep with a bad haircut from The Office, Bryan Cranston is the actor to which all other actors should aspire. The dude has range.
As the inept, eccentric yet lovable father Hal on Malcolm In The Middle, Cranston gave us a TV parent up there with the most memorable among them.
Like so many other TV sitcom actors, he could have faded away into bit-parts for really bad cereal ads that re-hash versions of Hal. But he didn’t! He had really good bit-parts in some other really funny things like How I Met Your Mother and the most awesome Little Miss Sunshine.
And then along came Breaking Bad.
What to say. Walter White. Best Science Teacher Ever.
From nerdy chemistry teacher to prime drug producer, from slightly quirky viewing to dark, disturbing and seriously addictive TV (no pun intended).
Oh, and who could ever forget Drive. An awesome film regardless, but Cranston just proved how incredibly versatile he is, how well he carries bad faded tatts and how he can make a side character into the most innocent and the most mourned individual throughout the whole film. God damn it if I didn’t want Shannon to be able to retire on a ranch with a wraparound porch and not have a care in the world.
Is it wrong to want Bryan Cranston’s babies just a little bit?
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