The wool in the photo (taken by Q) is fairly decent stuff I bought in Kolkata in November last year. The grey wool I was going to knit into a hat for myself since it will be winter back home when I go. The yellow wool is softer (I think it’s a wool/nylon mix), and I’m desperately in love with it. It is also due to go to my friend who stays in Delhi who was there when I bought it and who similarly fell in love with it. The hat she liked was the Sixty Cables pattern on Ravelry and so the second project was born.
So my current plan is to quickly finish up these two hats so I can replace the position of all that wool in my bag with different kinds and colours of other wool. I’m also more than prepared to further cull other items in order to accomplish this. My mother would be disgusted if she knew.
Having this yellow wool around is bittersweet I must say. I have the colouring of a drowned rat, which makes anything yellow that I wear look like a tropical disease. Gone are the delicious mustards and sunflower hues on the shelves; on me it is jaundice. I am left to become a mere voyeur of yellow, an unrequited lover staring longingly at people who look much better in it.
My alternative to buying new wool is to look at the squishy, artily photographed stacks of wool on non-English language websites. The purpose for this is simple; I don’t understand the prices (what the hell is kr 38,-?) and so am not tempted to buy anything. My favourite website so far is Pickles, a Norwegian site. I love the sheen of this (yellow! My love!) and the colours in this.
They also have a pattern for a baby turban which is too much fun. If I ever have a daughter, I’m definitely going to make her this and dress her up as Gloria Swanson. I'm sure she will hate me when she's older.
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